Returning Home

i haven’t posted on the blog in a very long time. i am struggling a bit with the changes in format but I am hoping this works.

Emily, factory “ mistake”

i thought i would devote this short post to sharing the dolls that have returned home to Sasha Shangri-La in recent months.

The first photo is Celine, a CIII Sasha studio doll. she has been living in the UK the past two years and returned home last month.

The second photo is of Emily, a factory ”mistake” a blue eyed brunette Sasha.

Janet, 1967 NP

The third photo is of Janet, a 1967 brunette NP.

Both Emily and Janet were living in the USA.

Thank you for visiting the blog. i hope to post again soon. 😊

17 thoughts on “Returning Home

  1. It’s so lovely to see these three again, back at Shangri-La and to receive a notification in my email this morning, that your blog has a new post! ❤

    • Thank you Janet. I have been try to post for a while but gave up in frustration. I am struggling to manipulate the photos and also trying to update the gallery photos but having little success. Finally, I decided it is better to post something than nothing. I am glad to have a nice start! 😊

  2. Was thrilled to see your WordPress notification pop up amongst my emails.
    I too would like re-start my Kendal’s Sasha Brood blogging again but when I tried a couple of months ago I was totally lost as things had changed far too much for my very limited IT skills and with no-one close by to help I just gave up!
    So lovely to see some of your precious Sasha Dolls returning home after their adoption adventures …although I simply daren’t follow suit here as my Sasha playtime has become far too limited due to getting older and ill health making my necessary living tasks take at least twice as long and interspersed with the necessary energizing naps.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your interesting future Sasha Doll posts.

    • Thank you Kendal. I share your frustration with posting on the blog. I finally managed a post but it’s not what I was hoping to see. I am glad I tried because it has been lovely to hear from you and the other nice friends that have commented. I think I will make short posts in the future and hopefully learn more over time. 😊

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